
Friday, November 26, 2010

Corning Family Photographer | Martin Family

MARTIN FAMILY....I LOVE YOU! We definitely go far too long without seeing eachother...another pathetic case I'm afraid. Thank you so much for allowing me to capture your growing beauties!! Two families: three princesses. I loved every second I got to spend with all of you guys today. What a treat.

Brandon & KT, I MISS YOU! Lets be better about spending time together. Like I said, this is pathetic! Your girls are absolute dolls. I can't believe how much they have grown! It is so fun to see them lookin' like daddy and actin' like mommy....sooo beautified! I love it!

Blake & Jenna, it was soooo good to see you guys again. I think it has been at least a year and a half! Wow! Your little Abigal is so sweet. I have been so anxious to meet her. I can tell you are both just relishing in this time together. Enjoy it, as I'm sure you can tell...they grow up fast (sniff, sniff).

a beautiful family
oh miss M... you truly are tooo cute!

aren't they just beautiful?

this is what they call "noodle-ing"

they boys and their girls :-)

there is just something about the way a family interacts together..

so much love
what a doll

there is just something about babies hands that just melts my heart.
mama and her girl (at least one of them)

ok, this picture is making me tear up...I think it's beautiful bond between a father and daughter. I have a SUPER SPECIAL DADDY, and so does Miss M!

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