
Sunday, December 5, 2010

what. a. day

So yesterday was supposed to be an organized stress-free day. The kind of day where you get a lot of stuff done and at the end of the day, you look back and say...."wooo hooo! I did good!" That was definitely not today. I got up early (like usual), got my choars and normal morning stuff done and then headed to Chico. I needed to finish up some Christmas shopping (this was around 8am). Old Navy --check. Target --check. Michaels --check. The mall (9am) NOT OPEN I was royaly irritated. I could not believe that the mall would not be open at 9am 3 weeks before Christmas!! I had to be back in Corning by 11am for my first session so I took my business somewhere else ---hmmm (arms crossed--nose up).

I made it to my first session on time and met a lovely family. Half way through the session my camera started telling me ERROR 20 about every other picture... I had no clue what was going on. Assuming it was a problem with my memory card, I attempted to switch cards. This did not solve my problem. --imagine me secretly FREAKING OUT!! After the session was over I immediately called Canon...and ya, my camera is having a technical MALFUNCTION!!! WHAT?????? See, any other day this would be nothing but an inconvenience...but today, this was a HUGE problem. I had two more sessions following this session. I'm crying, and crying and freaking out...and crying. Luckily my mother-in-law has a camera that I was able to borrow. Sooo...I go home charge the battery and head to my next session. I get there, meet another happy couple, get ready to take their pictures..and realize....I FORGOT THE BATTERY. :-( Thankfully Lindsey and Bryce were soooo sweet to bear with me and allow me to go home and get my battery. Needless to say I went to bed at 8:40pm. Oh whatta day!!


The Birtwell's said...

Nina, why didn't you say anything about your camera? I'm so sorry that happened; we totally would have understood! Next time, just say something :)

P.S. I love the sneak peek!

ninaturek said...

Thank you. I didn't know it was actually broke at that point. I just thought something was wrong wiith the card. Luckily it didn't start doing it until we were just about done.

I'm so glad you love your pics!!