
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cave Girl Cafe

This shoot was very special to me. My cousin Nicki contacted me about shooting some photos for her (and her friend Tori's) new business Cave Girl Cafe They wanted to promote their patches and coffee mugs while drawing attention to their "Paleo" lifestyle. Nicki's husband has just released "The Paleo Solution" a book about getting healthy eating "the original human diet". If I may do a little bragging, it has already become a New York Times BESTSELLER!! (for more info check him out at WAY TO GO CUZ's (is that even a word??)

Any-whoo... We had a great time getting creative and spending some cousin time together (something that doesn't happen often enough I'm afraid). I hope you guys love your pictures. Thank you so much for allowing me to be apart of your journey to the top! I am so proud of you ALL! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Nicki, Kayden, Chrissy, Tori

check out these awesome mugs!!
sooo LL Bean ;-)
PALEO = endurance
stirring up some controversy.... (I do have to say that grain fed tastes better, sorry guys)
Doesn't she look like a model?

My beautiful cousin!!
My cousin Chrissy's darling little boy. I just love him too!!

I forgot to mention that after the shoot we went back to the farm in an attempt to take some pictures with the pigs. Kayden was really not interested in getting close to the pigs. My cousin was holding a baby pig (only a few days old), trying to get Kayden to touch it, and it pooped all over her :-/ Sorry Nik!! Thanks for just going with the flow :-)

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